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Friends Publications ...

Being a female Evangelical Priest was at times a little lonely. AWESOME offer support and encouragement through their annual conference and networks. I contributed a chapter to this second volume during a really low time for me. I was in the 'pit'! God was merciful in giving me some words to say...


It was a real privilege to contribute a few pages to this. It testifies to some wonderful women, associated with the Army, who continue to keep the faith. The book offers 165 days of readings taken from the Psalms with a little comment from us. As the title says, grab a coffee, have a read and spend some time with God.


Fellow author Catherine Barbey has just interviewed me on her blog ... or go to her website and click on blog!

The rascal managed to uncover a bit more about me and my writing ... We met at a writing conference and I was instantly warmed to her by
her glowing faith and passion for writing.
Catherine's book is a beautiful novel.  I read it in one sitting - I couldn't put it down.  Set in the wake of the Soviet Union as it falls apart, you can follow the lives of Bela a young Circassian woman and a
British linguist Michael.  There is tragedy, love and hope ... Catherine is an inspiring writer and a lovely person. Her website is amazing too.